Elasticsearch is available up to BlueSpice 4.3. Newer versions of BlueSpice 4 support OpenSearch.

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Elasticsearch is a prerequisite for running Advanced Search. The steps listed here are optional and only required if you plan to use them in your BlueSpice installation.

To run Elasticsearch, OpenJDK is required. If you have not installed it, install it now.


The content of this section refers to external sources and is current at the time of writing this documentation. We cannot guarantee how long these sources will remain unchanged. Please let us know if you notice any discrepancies to the information provided here.

BlueSpice ist derzeit mit Elasticsearch 6.x ab Version 6.8.21 kompatibel. Elasticsearch > 6.8.x wird derzeit nicht unterstützt.

Die jeweils aktuelle Version können Sie dieser Liste entnehmen. Daraus ergibt sich folgender direkter Download-Link: https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-<Versionsnummer>.zip also bspw. https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.8.23.zip.

Folgen Sie dabei den Download-Anweisungen Ihres Browsers.

In the following, the Elasticsearch version 6.8.23 is used and only serves as an example for the latest version of the 6.x version series, which you can download at the time of your installation.

Unpacking the ZIP archive

Unpack the ZIP archive that you have just downloaded in a Archiv in a suited system path of your hard drive.

This documentation assumes the folder structure recommended by us. For this reason, Elasticsearch is unpacked at this point in the folder C:\bluespice\bin\elasticsearch-6.8.23. If you have individual wishes, adjust these paths according to your own understanding.

Installing the plugin ingest-attachment

Change to the directory "C:\bluespice\bin\elasticsearch-6.8.23\bin" (1).

Right-click on a free area of the Explorer window with the Shift-key pressed.

Click "Open PowerShell window here" (2):

Elasticsearch 01

Execute the command ". \elasticsearch-plugin.bat install -b ingest-attachment":

Elasticsearch 02

If your server does not have an active internet connection, then download the plug-in ingest-attachment as zip archive and install it, as documented directly by the manufacturer.

Installing the Elasticsearch service

Run the "elasticsearch-service.bat install" command and wait for the process to complete:

Elasticsearch 03

Configuring and starting the Elasticsearch service

Press the key combination Windows+R.

Enter "services.msc" (1) in the dialog window and click "OK" (2):

Elasticsearch 04

Search for the service "Elasticsearch 6.8.23" and open it with a double-click:

Elasticsearch 05

Select the startup type "Automatic" (1) and start the service (2).

Click "OK" (3) to close the window after the service is started:

Elasticsearch 06

Next step

If you have successfully completed all of the above steps, proceed to the next step: Python.

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