Revision as of 08:32, 25 October 2024 by Robert Vogel (talk | contribs)
Migration from 4.4With BlueSpice 4.5 there were some important changes to the container portfolio:
  1. There are no "all-in-one" containers anymore. Neither for FREE, nor for PRO and FARM editions
  2. The "distributed-services" setup for PRO and FARM edition has completely been reworked

If you are upgrading from one of the above-mentioned setups, please refer to the migration guide


Since version 4.5, BlueSpice MediaWiki can be easily installed using a stack of Docker container images. Everything is build in a modular way to allow different types of setups.

The most common cases are

  1. "All-in-one" (with and without Let's Encrypt)
  2. Custom database and search service
  3. Custom load balancer / proxy

Step 1: Get the stack

Get "docker-compose" files from

wget \
    && unzip docker-deployment-script \
    && cd docker-deployment-script/compose

The directory contains the following files:

Filename Type Mandatory Comment
bluespice-deploy bash-script false Wrapper for general start-up of needed containers
bluespice-prepare bash-script false Prepare Folder and Permissions before first start also registers the service at the operating system
bluespice.service service-script false Proper handling of the containers on reboot
docker-compose.main.yml yml true Main application services/ run by bluespice-deploy
docker-compose.persistent-data-services.yml yml false Database and search/ run by bluespice-deploy
docker-compose.stateless-services.yml yml true PDF-Renderer/Cache/Formula/Diagram-Service
docker-compose.proxy.yml yml false, but recommended Proxy Service
docker-compose.proxy-letsencrypt.yml yml false Additional auto-renewal service for "Let's Encrypt" certificates
docker-compose.kerberos-proxy.yml yml false Additional proxy for Kerberos based authenication

For convenience, the bluespice-deploy script wrapsthe first four yml files by default. This includes the main wiki application and also required backend services, like a database, search and application cache.

Additional services can be loaded by adding -f <filename> .


bluespice-deploy \
    -f docker-compose.proxy-letsencrypt.yml \
    up -d

This will start the stack with "Let's Encrypt" certificates. For details, please refer to section SSL certificates.

Step 2: Set up environment variables

Create .env file according to existing or state-to-be installation.





Step 3: Prepare data directories

Run bluespice-prepare script, helping you set up correct folder structure and permissions. Also installing a service for proper handling of the containers on reboots.

Step 4: Start the stack

Initial installationWhen starting the stack the first time, the wiki-task container will automatically perform the installation. It may take a couple of minutes for the process to set up the database and complete. Once it is finished, the password for the default Admin user can be found in $DATADIR/wiki/adminPasssword.

Use bluespice-deploy up -d to start the stack, once the .env file and the "data directories" are ready. Once all containers are shown as "ready" you can navigate to $WIKI_PROTOCOL://$WIKI_HOST:$WIKI_PORT (e.g. in your favorite web browser and start using the application.

Additional options

SSL certificates

For using Let's Encrypt Certificates just add docker-compose.proxy-letsencrypt.yml in your bluespice-deploy file.

Self-signed certificatesFor using self-signend Certificates please put <>.crt and <>.key with the exact name of your Wikis URL in ${VOLUMES_DIR}/nginx/certs

If activating SSL after first creation of wiki please change $wgServer in ${VOLUMES_DIR}/bluespice-data/LocalSettings.php


also link your certificate to the bluespice-container in your docker-compose.yml-File:

- ${VOLUMES_DIR}/nginx/certs/<FQDNofyourWiki>.crt:/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/<FQDNofyourWiki>.crt:ro

Please restart containers after changing/adding SSL files.

Operating system level service

Adding additional servicesexpand the ExecStart parameter in the /etc/systemd/system/bluespice.service


ExecStart=<WORKDIR>/bluespice-deploy -f docker-compose.proxy-letsencrypt.yml up -f -d --remove-orphans

Custom wiki application configuration

After the initial installation, the ${DATADIR}/wiki/bluespice/ contains two files that can be used to set custom application configuration as it may be found on

  • pre-init-settings.php - Can be used to set config that can be picked up by the init process
  • post-init-settings.php - Can be used to manipulate configs that have been set by the init process

Custom database and search

If you have a MySQL/MariaDB and an OpenSearch server running in your local network, you can remove docker-compose.persistent-data-services.yml entirely from your bluespice-deploy file. Make sure to set the proper variables in the .env file.

Kerberos proxy

For implicit authenticationusing Kerberos, an additional proxy must be used: bluespice/kerberos-proxy . The file docker-compose.kerberos-proxy.yml contains a common configuration. It can be used instead of the regular docker-compose.proxy.yml file inside bluespice-deploy .

Make sure to have the files

  • ${DATADIR}/kerberos/krb5.conf
  • ${DATADIR}/kerberos/kerberos.keytab

set up properly.

The file ${DATADIR}/wiki/bluespice/pre-init-settings.php can then be used to set up "Extension:Auth_remoteuser".

SAML authentication

Setup:SAML ConfigManager EN 01.png

During the initial installation a certificate for message signing will automatically be created. It can be found in ${DATADIR}/wiki/simplesamlphp/certs/.

In order to configure a remote IDP, one must copy the IdP metadata XML to a file called ${DATADIR}/wiki/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/saml_idp_metadata.xml. The SP metadata can then be obtained via https://{{$WIKI_HOST}}/_sp/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp. It must be configured in the remote IdP.

Test authenticationYou can test authentication directly within the SimpleSAMLphp application. To do so, navigate to https://{{$WIKI_HOST}}/_sp/module.php/admin and log in with admin and the INTERNAL_SIMPLESAMLPHP_ADMIN_PASS found in ${DATADIR}/wiki/.wikienv

Next, the extensions "PluggableAuth" and "SimpleSAMLphp" must be enabled on the wiki. To do so, add

wfLoadExtensions( [
] );

to the ${DATADIR}/wiki/bluespice/post-init-settings.php. Run

./bluespice-deploy exec wiki-task /app/bluespice/w/maintenance/update.php --quick

to complete the installation.

After that, the authentication plugin configuration can be applied in Special:BlueSpiceConfigManager under "Authentication".

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