Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
PHP Manager conveniently integrates PHP into your IIS installation. The steps listed here are required.


Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
The content of this section refers to external sources and is current at the time of writing this documentation. We cannot guarantee how long these sources will remain unchanged. Please let us know if you notice any discrepancies to the information provided here.

Open the official website at (1) and click "Download this extension" (2).

PHP Manager 01

Click "OK" after reading the disclaimer:

PHP Manager 02

Follow the download instructions of your browser.


Open the installation file which you have just downloaded.

Click "Next >" to start the installation:

PHP Manager 03

Select "I agree" (1) in the License Agreement and click "Next >" (2):

PHP Manager 04

The installation is now executed and completed without further confirmation.

Close the setup program when finished:

PHP Manager 05

Next step

If you have successfully completed all of the above steps, go to the next step: PHP.

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