File list

The file list provides a special page that lists all files that have been uploaded to the wiki.

Accessing the file list

highlighted link to the File list
Global actions menu

The page can be accessed from Global actions > Overview> Files. This link loads the page Special:Filelist.

View options

The uploaded files are organized as thumbnails in a Tiles layout by default. For a detailed file list, you can switch to the List view.

file lis as "List" layout
List view

Possible actions

The following options are available:

  • Search field: Filters the column File name.
  • Upload new files: Click on the upload-symbol next to the filter field to add files to the wiki (Multi-upload is possible).
  • Column filter: Each column has its own filter option in the column header.
  • Sort filelist: The default sort order is based on the modification date of the files. Click on a column heading to change the sort order (ascending / descending).
  • Show / hide columns: Hover over any heading and click on the arrow to open the column filter. Select the columns you want to display.
  • File details: Click the thumbnail to view more information about the file, such as a larger preview image or its version history.
  • View the file description page: Click the file name to open the file description page.

In the last column, additional actions are available when you hover over a grid row:

  • File information: shows the metadata for the image
  • Upload: Allows to upload a new version of the file
  • Delete: Deletes the file from the wiki. Wiki administrators can restore any deleted file via the deletion log.

Related info

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