This template can be integrated into a page using the Visual Editor Insert>Template link. It makes it possible to limit the heading levels that are shown in the Table of Contents of a wiki page.

Importing the template

The import file is included in the archive file Unpack the zip file first.

On the page Special:Import follow these steps:

  1. Select file and choose HW-TOClimit.xml.
  2. Enter an Interwiki prefix. Since this field is required, simply add hw (for hallowelt).
  3. Keep the selection Import to default locations.
  4. Click Sie Upload file... .

The template is now available in your wiki.

Pages included in the import

The xml import creates the following files in your wiki:

  • Template:TOClimit
  • Template:TOClimit/styles.css


  1. Add the template from Visual Editor.
    "Add a template" dialog
    Selecting the TOClimit template
  2. Enter the level of headings you want to show. Sie die Anzahl der gewünschten Überschriften-Ebenen ein (z.B. 1).
    Template settings dialog
    Headings limit 1
  3. Save the page. The table of contents is now shown with your custom settings.


The following customizations are possible:

Parameter Possible value Description
limit 1, 2, 3, 4 Limits heading levels (up to level 4). If the value is 2, the TOC is 2 levels deep
nonum 0, 1 Removes numbering when set to 1
notitle 0, 1 Removes title when set to 1
noborder 0, 1 Removes border when set to 1
fontlarge 0, 1 Sets size to match regular content size when set to 1
inline 0, 1 Shows the items in a row (only possible if limit=1)



Output before and after:

Main levels of the TOC displayed in one row:

Display of the main level of the TOC in one row

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