BlueSpice free Download

Download options

BlueSpice free is available at the following websites:

  • BlueSpice homepage: BlueSpice free is downloaded as Installer which includes a MediaWiki 1.35.
  • Sourceforge (Downloads also for previous BlueSpice free versions)

Before using the Installer

For a successful installation with the BlueSpice free Installer, it is important to review the system requirements and to configure the server environment. We have prepared detailed instructions for preparing your system:

  1. BlueSpice system requirements
  2. Blue Spice system preparation
    1. Windows (currently being revised)
    2. Linux

To make your BlueSpice setup as easy as possible, we provide installation instructions for installing BlueSpice with Installer. These can be found in our Installation Guide.

To submit feedback about this documentation, visit our community forum.