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Revision as of 16:19, 28 June 2023

Extension: PreToClip

all extensions

Description: Allows to copy contents of PRE tags into the clipboard
State: stable Dependency: MediaWiki
Developer: Thomas Candrian License: -
Type: MediaWiki Category: Content Structuring
Edition: BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice Farm"BlueSpice Farm" is not in the list (BlueSpice free, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice farm (deactivated), BlueSpice cloud, BlueSpice cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property., BlueSpice Cloud"BlueSpice Cloud" is not in the list (BlueSpice free, BlueSpice free (deactivated), BlueSpice pro, BlueSpice pro (deactivated), BlueSpice farm, BlueSpice farm (deactivated), BlueSpice cloud, BlueSpice cloud (deactivated)) of allowed values for the "BSExtensionInfoEdition" property. Version: 4.3+
For more info, visit Mediawiki.


The PreToClip extension adds a "Copy to clipboard"-Button to every <pre>-Tag even autogenerated ones. It works even with firefox.

This extension is using the excellent JavaScript and Flash from presented on

InputBox allows to integrate predefined HTML forms into wiki pages.