Setup:Installation Guide/Optimization/Cronjobs: Difference between revisions

Latest revision as of 12:59, 12 July 2023

This document describes cronjobs an related configurations, which should be set for your BlueSpice (depending on the used version).

Tips for this Document

  • Please, read this manual completely and work through the single installation steps one after another.
  • For editing the configuration files with a text editor, the files must be saved in UTF-8 coding without BOM (Byte Order Mark).
  • The placeholder <installpath-bluespice> stands for the path to your BlueSpice installation, e.g C:\inetpub\wwwroot\bluespice (Windows regarding the documentation "Folder structure under Windows") or /var/www/bluespice (Linux).
  • The placeholder <tomcat-webapps stands for the path to the webapps directory of your Tomcat server, e.g C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps (Windows) or /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps (Linux).
Hinweis:It is recommended to specify the complete path to php.exe under Windows.


Time-consuming processes will be moved to a processing queue in the background of BlueSpice. With every page impression, a part of these will be processed. For the case that there are lots of processes in the queue and there are relatively litte page impressions, the tasks will not be processed promptly.

For this reason, the queue should be processed regularly by cronjob.

Create a cronjob (Windows: "Scheduled task") depending on your operating system. The command to execute is:

php <installpath-bluespice>/maintenance/runJobs.php (Linux)
php.exe <installpath-bluespice>\maintenance\runJobs.php (Windows)

Execute the cronjob every 10 minutes.


Certain tasks require server resources that can not be provided in the regular context of a webrequest. They will be moved to a special processing queue in the background of BlueSpice.

Create a cronjob (Windows: "Scheduled task") depending on your operating system. The command to execute is:

php <installpath-bluespice>/vendor/mwstake/mediawiki-component-processmanager/maintenance/processRunner.php <installpath-bluespice>/maintenance/Maintenance.php --max-processes=100 --wait (Linux)
php.exe <installpath-bluespice>\vendor\mwstake\mediawiki-component-processmanager\maintenance\processRunner.php <installpath-bluespice>\maintenance\Maintenance.php --max-processes=100 --wait (Windows)

Execute the cronjob every minute.

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